Braceworks04167.pngGenerating and exporting calculation reports

Completed calculations can be shared with colleagues, clients, and structural engineers by creating a customized PDF report, or by exporting the calculation results to DSTV or SCIA format.

Creating a calculation report



Create Calculation Report


A comprehensive report of the calculations can be generated as a PDF file.

To create a calculation report:

Select the command.

The Create Calculation Report dialog box opens. Cycle through each pane in order with the <Back and Forward> buttons to create and customize a complete report.

The system must be solvable to be able to create a report.





Load Combination

Select <No Load Combination> or choose a load combination. The icon next to the combination indicates whether it is class- or layer-based.


Select whether the exported results should include all rigging objects in the drawing, or only a subset of selected or visible objects

Project information

Enter information for the first page of the project: its dates, report creator, contact information, and any legal, copyright, or other information

Project Description

Enter a description of the project

User Recommendation

Provides information or advice to the recipient, to help understand the results

Load Default Text

Inserts default text to help understand the results


Removes all text


Select the items to include in the report, including proofs. Cross section proofs are customized on the following pane.

Cross Sections

Select the cross section proofs to include in the report by clicking to place a check mark in the Proof column, or click All to include all of them


Customizes the appearance of the report

Background Cover Sheet

Selects an image (in .png format) to serve as the logo on the cover sheet. The image appears on the background of the entire page. Click Change to open the Select Background Image dialog box and select an image. Click Delete to remove the image from the cover sheet.

Background Content Sheet

Selects an image (in .png format) to serve as the logo on every page of the report after the cover sheet. The image appears on the background of the entire page. Click Change to open the Select Background Image dialog box and select an image. Click Delete to remove the image from the cover sheet.

Color headers

Click the color box to select the color for headings in the report

Color cell header

Click the color box to select the color for table heading cells

Add professional stamp area

Includes an area where you can add your professional stamp or credentials, and certify responsibility for calculations

When all items in each pane have been addressed, click Create PDF to create the report. Provide a name and location to save the file.

Exporting calculation results